Education for Alternative Water Resources 2024

Autumn 2024 _General Admission

Education for Alternative Water Resources Teachers Training Course 

10 - 16 November 2024 

This course is based on the Educational Programme on Non-Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) that has been applied by MEdIES for over a decade engaging more than 5000 educators and 35.000 students in Greece, Malta and Cyprus!


Why should I be concerned about Non-Conventional Water Resources (NCWRs) as an educator?

Many of the conventional methods of securing water supply (i.e. dam construction, water transfers, etc.) have proved to be non-sustainable in the long run. Non-Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) contribute to a sustainable way of improving access to water, contribute to climate change adaptation and are becoming increasingly important especially in water scarce countries. However, NCWRs are not well known to the citizens while several misconceptions persist i.e. when it comes to safety and hygiene issues.

Education can effectively elucidate the misconceptions and support the diffusion of innovative ideas and solutions that NCWRs promise to deliver, and particularly in the context of the SDG6. Actually, UNESCO in its comprehensive study “Education for Sustainable Development Goals- Learning objectives of ESD for the SDGs” (2017) is identifying among others, the NCWR, and namely rainwater harvesting, wastewater recycling and reuse, etc. as suggested topics when working on SDG6. This is even more important within the global framework of "ESDfor2030"and the Greening Education Partnership-GEP (UNESCO) calling to prepare the learners to be climate ready.  Additionally, NCWR provides an effective “vehicle” for inspiring responsible consumer and citizen attitudes and a new water culure.

Objectives of the course

  • To suggest a complete set of ESD methodology and resources (printed, props, online tools) related to Water Responsible Behaviour  and Transformative Action, framed in the context of "ESDfor2030" and GEP.
  • To develop an understanding on how NCWRs can contribute to climate change adaptation, and in particularly to water scarce communities.
  • To explore past water management methods and water heritage on collection, storage and transfer and discuss how this heritage can be re-evaluated nowadays (in Europe and beyond).
  • To develop competences in embedding NCWR in ESD projects and activities.
  • To offer the opportunity for networking, exchanging and co-learning.


Expected Outcomes 

After completing this course, you will:

- Be acquainted with the ESDfor2030 context, the ESD regional context and approaches.

Have increased understanding and competences about the NCWRs: types, function, environmental and socio-economic aspects, as well as the cultural heritage related and how they are  addressed within the various institutions (i.e. schools, centres, public bodies, etc.).

Have tried out and obtain educational tools and resources (printed and digital) focusing on the various  Non-Conventional Water Resources (NCWR).

- Have exchanged views and experiences with peers and network.

- Have contributed and desinged an ESD project focusing on Water /NCWR tailore-made to their context.

Course content

The course's content is including topics like:  ESD, SDGs/SDG6, the Non-Conventional Water Resourses (NCWRs) related to Climate Crisis, Water and NCWR in ESD, Water in History and Culture, Freshwater Ecosystems and Outdoor education, etc. 

To this end a set of indoor hands workshops and discussion sessions are planned (most of them taking place in MIO-ECSDE premises) and are combined with a diverse set of filed visits and studies, such as in the Athens Water Company installations, in a freshwater ecosystem, a Water Museum, a Centre of Enviroenmental Education, etc. 

    Course Methodology

    Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is about participatory learning to motivate and empower learners to be the change makers for sustainable development. In this line the course is aspiring to develop inquiry, creativity and problem-solving skills as well as to inspire responsible consumption attitudes and behaviours. The course employs methods to stimulate participation, critical discussion and co-working. Workshops and presentations, groups work and field work will be applied. The programme is flexible so as to adapt to the needs/priorities of the participants. The training team has a rich experience in coordinating teachers’ trainings. The organising teach will provide in advance all participants with material and guidance for their visit to Athens - practical, cultural, pedagogical, etc. and Follow-up support on how to integrate the training outcomes into their work context.

    Participants will have the opportunity to join MEdIES network, a wider ESD community of ~5000 members.


    Target audience

    We welcome all European and beyond educators interested in the topic, and in particular:

    - In-service school teachers of all levels and disciplines,

    - Non-formal educators working in NGOs, Museums, Educational Institutions and Centres, etc. with experience on  ESD, SDGs, water dimensions in education, etc.

     Kindly note that to ensure an effective course management a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 participants is required.



    The course will take place in Athens, Greece, combining indoor and outdoor sessions. 


    The course language is English.


    Certificate of completion

    Trainees who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate from MIO-ECSDE / MEdIES and the UNESCO Chair & Network on Sustainable Development Management and Education in the Mediterranean of the University of Athens.

    Provisional Timetable*

    DAY 1

    Getting to know


      Ice breakers & Team building activities.

      Trainees' expectations.  

      Course introduction, scope & programme.

     DAY 2

    Orientation day: Water, NCWRs & ESD


           PRESENTATION/DISCUSSION. Evolution, principles & current approaches of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Contribution to a new water culture

          PRESENTATION/DISCUSSION. The NCWR in the Mediterranean Programme

          WORKSHOP. Unfolding the ALTER AQUA educational resource & other resources/tools for Water Education

          WORKSHOP. MEdIES hands-on and props about the NCWRs.

     DAY 3

    Focus on the Cultural aspects of water  


       WORKSHOP. Water museums, sites and monumens as learning habs  

       GUIDED VISIT. Tracking the submerged rives of Athens: A journey from  the past to the present

       GUIDED VISIT To the Museum of Modern Pottery of Athens and the Bath House of the Winds

     WORKSHOP. A pot from the Mediterranean  

    DAY 4

    Focus on Water Treatment and Management, wastewater management & the NCWRs in practice


    STUDY VISIT To the Museum of the Marathon Dam & the Dam

    STUDY VISIT to the Research & Development Dpt. of the Athens Water Supply Company 

    PRESENTATION & DISCUSSION: The water and the wastewater treatment systems of Attica (past and present). Research in NCWRs. DEMONSTRATION of installations (sewer mining) and pilot tools of R&D. 

    WORKSHOP. How water efficient is your school/institution? 

    DAY 5

     Focus on Freshwater Ecosystems 


     GUIDED STUDY VISIT & FIELD WORK along the Erasinos  River Ecosystem and estuary (Natura 2000 Site). Experiential educational activities on the wetland area for the characteristics and qualities of the marches, meadows, biodiversity, etc.  

    Shadowing on educational programme with school pupils 

    VISIT to the Archaeological Museum of Vravrona

    WORKSHOP Outdoor activities in a water ecosysteme

    DAY 6

    Synthesis day


    WORKSHOP. Animation4Water, Stop motion animation technique, and other animation tools in ESD.

    Group work on trainees’ project ideas; Presentations.

    Wrap-up & Reflections  

    Social event 

    DAY 7

    Evaluation -  Certificates Ceremony


    * Each day includes a short orientation session (in the morning) and a feedback-sharing session at the end.



    Tuition fee

    The tuition fee is 560 € (EURO).

    This fee includes the week-long tuition fees, ESD resources in English, Wifi equipped meeting venue, coffee break buffets at MIO & certificate.

    The fee does not include: travel, accommodation, meals, airport-hotel transfers, and cost for any transfer within the course (for study visits, etc.).

    The deadline for tuition fee payment is one month before the training takes place.

    Cancelation Policy: If you cancel after registration and payment, only 70% of the tuition fee is reimbursable. Alternatively, you can ‘transfer’ the fee and take part in a future session of the training.


    Support of participation

    The estimated total participation cost for the week-long training (including tuition fee, travel and accommodation, subsistence, etc.) depending on the country of origin and the timing of the training ranges between 1300 - 1800 euros. These costs are eligible to be 100% funded by the Erasmus+ programme mobility projects for Staff of School Education KA101 and KA104 mobility projects for Adult Education.

    Contact your National agency so that your institution applies for funding under Erasmus+ KA1. The list of all National Agencies can be accessed here:



    Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture & Sustainable Development Established in 1993 MIO-ECSDE ( is a non-profit Federation of 130 NGOs from the Mediterranean region working in the field of environment and SD.


    Mediterranean Education Initiative for Environment and Sustainability (MEdIES) Launched in Johannesburg (WSSD, 2002), MEdIES ( is MIO-ECSDE’s main education initiative, aiming to provide capacity building on ESD through trainings, educational materials and the facilitation of an e-network of educators.


    UNESCO Chair & Network on Sustainable Development Management and Education in the Mediterranean at the University of Athens. Under the direct leadership of its Director Prof. Michael Scoullos, the Chair conducts training, research, information sharing and outreach activities in major UNESCO programme areas: education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and communication & information. It brings together and catalyzes synergies among components, organisations and bodies.

    See more at

    Contact details

    Postal address: 12 Kyrristou str., 10556, Athens, Greece  

    Tel: 0030 210 3247267 (ext. 210) email:


    Key trainers


    Iro Alampei has a Master in Teaching Science, and has 15-years of experience as a MEdIES education officer. Iro is a co-author of the educational material “ALTER AQUA” and has animated a lot of participatory trainings about it.



    Vicky Malotidi has a Master in Teaching Science, and has 15-years of experience as a MEdIES education officer. Vicky is a certified adult trainer and has coorganised a lot of experiential workshops about the educational material “ALTER AQUA”; is also member of the authoring team of the material.


    Vasillis Psallidas has a Master in Environmental Biology, and a 35 -years of experience as teacher and Headmaster in secondary education. Since 2011 he acts as a Senior ESD Advisor of the MEdIES Secretariat and is deeply involved in the ALTER AQUA Programme activities.

      Prof. Michael Scoullos is the Director of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development Management and Education in the Mediterranean, at the University of Athens. Prof. Scoullos is a pioneer in tackling environment and sustainable development issues in the EuroMediterranean area. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has been central in all of his endeavors and he has been instrumental in the UN Decade for ESD (2005-2014) and its follow-up UNESCO Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD as well as the drafting and adoption of the Mediterranean Strategy on ESD and its Action Plan. He has organized and chaired many international conferences, authored hundreds of publications and conducted innumerable trainings in many countries worldwide.




    Sunday, November 10, 2024 9:00 AM
    Saturday, November 16, 2024


    Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών,Ελλάδα

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